Introduce Yourself : Hi everyone, My name is Colin Guest and Englishman married to a Turkish lady and living in Turkey for the past 20+ years. by Colin Guest

Hi everyone, My name is Colin Guest and Englishman married to a Turkish lady and living in Turkey for the past 20+ years.

As I love writing and feel my memoir about my life working as an expat on high-class interior finishings works in 15 countries, could well be used as the basis of a film or TV series, I joined Stage 32 so I could gain some insight in what's necessary and if my thoughts are possible. As I always try and think positive, who knows I just might be right.

Kathryn Waterfield

Good luck Colin. Your life sounds very interesting indeed!

Virginia Rothrock

Your life does sound very interesting. You'll get a lot of good help here.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi Colin, welcome to the community were glad to have you here!

Cali Gilbert

Welcome Colin. I'm also a writer currently working on the sequel to my #1 International Bestseller, It's Simply Serendipity which is my memoir. I'm also planning to adapt the story to film. Please let me know how I may support you in any way.

Colin Guest

Thanks all, I look forward to talking with you. I will check out your web site Cali and appreciate the offer of help.

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