Introduce Yourself : Bringing Theodore Roosevelt to life - film, television, theater by Joseph Michael Wiegand

Joseph Michael Wiegand

Bringing Theodore Roosevelt to life - film, television, theater

An amazing family adventure, I am entertaining tens of thousands annually in live performances. My name is Joe Wiegand. My wife and business partner calls me TR Joe, and customers often pick up the moniker. Starting with a fifty state performance and research tour in 2008, I have been professionally full-time acting, interpreting, entertaining as TR ever since. The 2008 tour culminated in a live performance at the White House for President & Mrs. Bush, with video online at There has been a vibrant and diverse market for my TR, ranging from banquet and keynote conference entertainments to Evenings with Teddy Roosevelt reminiscent of Hal Holbrook's Mark Twain on the theater stage. Am featured in MacGillivray Freeman Films IMAX - 'Wild America' expected in theaters January/February 2016. The success has been tremendous, and the prospects for my TR are huge based on significant short term market data. In 2013, Steven Spielberg purchased the rights to Doris Kearns Goodwin's 'Bully Pulpit', which should hit the screen with equal force to their successful collaboration on 'Lincoln.' Leonardo DiCaprio & Martin Scorcese are getting closer on 'The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt.' Ken Burns's PBS series on the Roosevelts has swelled live audiences. The Centennial of the National Park Service will be celebrated throughout 2016. Newly headquartered in Southern California, I continue to tour nationally and overseas. Listed on IMDB as Joseph Michael Wiegand for additional industry credits. I would certainly entertain inquiries for new strategic partnerships and worthwhile ventures. All the best. TR Joe

"Aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords." ~ Theodore Roosevelt "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." ~ Theodore Roosevelt "Do what you can, with…
Dara Taylor

Welcome TR Joe! Such a fantastic niche you've found - best of luck in the future (and past?)! :-)

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