Introduce Yourself : Introducing .... Caecilia Key by Caecilia Key

Caecilia Key

Introducing .... Caecilia Key

Hi there! I am in the DC area which is undergoing a steady stream of change. I too am transitioning and looking forward to concentrating on what I love to do. I aspire to do voiceovers, I'm currently working on: writing a project for broadcast; and supporting a news program which will air on WHUT-TV (Howard University Television). Looking forward to chatting with you.

Amanda Toney

Hey Caecilia, great to have you in the community! We have a ton of members in the DC area so I'm sure you'll find some awesome people near you to collaborate with :)

Caecilia Key

Thank you Shannon and Kathryn...looking forward to it!

Mark Saltman

Hi Caecelia, Im DC :)

Caecilia Key

Hi Mark, looking forward to meeting you. Hope you're loving the city!!!

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