Hello Everyone, glad to meet you all. I am very new to this world. It scares me. I am a retired air traffic controller. I am a dyslexia tutor. I am a soccer coach. I am a writer. I am an artist. I have written children's books, screenplays, and I blog. Previously in my life, I followed a different path. I couldn't afford to be artsy for a very long time. I can't suppress who I am anymore and so I started writing. I am ready to tell my story. I have lived a life that needs to be told. I have a screenplay ready. I am a wealth of stories and life and I'm here to hopefully be heard. I am also interested in helping other projects. I hope my ridiculous creativity goes to something good. I am very happy to be here and hope to contribute. - Cheers
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Welcome Simion! No need to be scared! Jump in my friend!
1 person likes this
You are cleared to ascend into awesomeness, Simion.
Good you joined us. See you around!
I'm new, too. Nice to meet you.
Welcome, Simion. We're very happy to have you.
Welcome, Simion