Introduce Yourself : Hello everyone by Joe Chacon

Hello everyone

Just signed up to Stage 32. This looks like a great tool to connect and network with entertainment industry professional's. Please take a look at my profile and add me. look forward to meeting everyone.

Richard "RB" Botto

Great to have you here, Joe. Welcome to the community, my friend!

Margaret Taylor

Welcome Joe!

G. K. Holland

Welcome Joe

Manley Irish

Welcome Joe.

Joe Chacon

Thank you everyone!

Joe Chacon

hey everyone feel free to check out some of my work. i posted up some clips and links. let me know if they are functioning properly. Have a great weekend!

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Joe!

Sistah Rfuaw Diarra

Hi Joe, nice to meet you.

Tom Batha

Welcome aboard Joe!

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