Well now, It has only taken a year on Stage 32 to get my first serious script request on a twice rewritten script, so persistence does eventually pay off! It has been a steep learning curve and it is "just a request", so far, so I am not allowing myself to get too excited - yet! I am a retired business academic and it was only after retiring that I managed to finish my long historical novel (which had been brewing for a few years anyway) Having published my novel in late 2013 and had the Historical Novel Society call it a "Thumpingly good debut novel", I decided it was time to make it into a film or a TV mini-series, so started writing the script just about a year ago. My first effort was "too much like a mini-novel", so I discovered I had to learn a whole new set of writing skills. The first re-write looked much more like a script, but coverage told me there were still things that needed attention. Then I finished my second re-write about ten days ago, pitched once, without success (my pitch skills needed re-honing!) Then I submitted a written pitch from which I have yet to hear. And then, on Sunday I pitched again and EUREKA, it has worked. My script has been requested. So, I have sent it off and now the nail-biting wait for the reading process to conclude (except I have never bitten my nails in my life!) My thanks go out to Joey, who has patiently guided an aged "newbie" through a perilous quest. And to the various friends I have made through Stage 32 each of whom has added a little bit of encouragement along the way. So, after a very late start, perhaps I can look forward to "outrageous fortune" - no, I really mustn`t get TOO excited. Bad for the heart at my age! PS I just added my logline to the Stage 32 site, so do please have a read of that if you wish, but "Captain Cobbler" was a real ancestor of mine who led a rebellion against King Henry Vlll, so I think he deserved a long novel - and perhaps, now, a TV mini-series - to celebrate his life. Regards to all Keith Melton
What a great journey you have already been on with your story, Keith. Congrats on the request! Is your book available online anywhere for people to purchase? I'm intrigued.
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Hi Phillip, Thanks for the supportive comment. Yes, my novel is available on amazon.com. The electronic version is only $2.99, less than the price of a decent sup of coffee (for 530 pages it is a snip!) but you can also get the paperback or the hardback if you are a true bibliophile and like the "feel" of a book as you read it. The novel is called "Captain Cobbler: the Lincolnshire Uprising 1536" and here is the link http://www.amazon.com/Captain-Cobbler-Lincolnshire-Uprising-1536/dp/1475... My next project is a follow-up "love story" novel of one of the characters I met in my researches. Catherine Willoughby is the daughter of Maria de Salinas, Katherine of Aragons lady in waiting and also her greatest friend. Catherines father died when she was seven and the great Duke of Suffolk bought her wardship from the King and ended up marrying the girl when she was 13 and he was about 50. Some time after the Duke died, her two sons also died - of the Sweating Sickness - and she eventually married her Master of Horse for love. They were exiled for their reformist religious beliefs when Bloody Queen Mary came to the throne and re-instated when Elizabeth became Queen. She and her love-match husband Richard Bertie are the 16 times great-grandparents of Princess Diana and, so 18 times great grandparents of Prince William, destined to become King of England in due course. The novel is coming along , so I have also started the film script in parallel. Watch this space! Regards, Keith
Congratulations Melton
/thank you William and Laura
and thank you Kathryn
Congratulations, Keith!
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Thanks Emma