Anything Goes : Tv Pilot by Mike Breen

Mike Breen

Tv Pilot

So you finish a Tv Pilot, now what? Without a manager/agent, what are the best options to take so it is not sitting on a shelf -- Are there side and back doors? A friend of mine just told me 20 + shows are being shot presently in Atlanta and they are filming in L/A as well -- it, Tv, is a thriving market, but my challenge is how to get something to Adult Swim or AMC or one of these places that do irreverent, outside the box kind of work (the script written is not made for CBS in its content, respectively) Thoughts? Banging head against wall regarding ... thanx!!

D Marcus

Without an agent or a manager then you (the writer) must do the work done by an agent. Seems you know your market (Adult Swim or AMC or one of these places that do irreverent, outside the box kind of work) so you should query letters to each of the companies that you think might be open to your pilot. It's that easy - and that difficult. Without an agent or manager very few companies will read your pilot. But that shouldn't stop you. You can also look for an agent or manager. In TV they are very helpful. You could enter writing contests with your pilot. It's a marathon not a sprint so try not to think of the shows in production presently but think of the long term.

Mike Breen

Thanx, man!

G.R. Barnett

You could always aim for amazon studios? Just a thought. Though if you've already shot the pilot then, hm. :/ Just a thought.

John Luerding

I've plugged at Amazon... all i've ever seen come from there to be honest are child and family shows. I've not seen one horror of any consequence. I don't think they are worth anything really.

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