It never ceases to amaze me, the kind of photographs people put up. Poor quality photos, out of focus photos, photos that have nothing to do with anything, never mind your chosen specialty. Photos where your face is cut off, photos of you and the rest of your family, or some other kind of group shot that is completely useless. First impressions are EVERYTHING. Why would't you put your best foot forward? Maybe it's because you don't know, or you think how you're presenting yourself is just fine. It's not. All of this holds true for no matter what you're trying to accomplish on Stage32, but it's even more critical if you're calling yourself an actor!! If I'm a casting director, or a director, and I go to look at your profile, and you're not even professional enough to know if your photo sucks or not, guess're not getting hired. These days, most casting directors don't know a thing about you, and are just casting off your picture. So, because I don't want you to fall down the drain, I would like to give you an unbiased, FREE critique of your profile photo. Just contact me, and I will give you open and honest direction. Put your BEST foot forward.
Well now.....
Hey... a FREE critique? As in you'd normally charge me otherwise? I mean it's a nice offer and everything but maybe include your experience, qualifications, etc.
I read this and had to go look at my picture! Hahaha Good suggestions and thanks for connecting. Kind regards - A
I have to agree with your statement about choosing people (for jobs/gigs) from their posted photos, especially for acting jobs. If you don't have the right "look", you will be passed over immediately, which could be a detriment. You could have been THE best person for a particular role, but your photo didn't convey that "look".
I know what you mean. And I should use my Nikon more often. In fact, I'll make that my new years' resolution.