Introduce Yourself : Hello from Seattle! by Pam Stucky

Pam Stucky

Hello from Seattle!

Hello! Just joined Stage 32 a couple days ago; starting to get a feel for the site. I'm an author of four novels, three travelogues, and a couple of other works. Earlier this year I was talking to a friend, and he said, "Hey, why don't you try writing a screenplay?" There were lots of reasons I had not tried before, but as it turns out, those reasons were no longer valid. I'm a firm believer in the idea that you must step outside your comfort zone and try new things, so now I'm studying up on screenwriting, learning as I go. I'm about 1/4 "done" with the first draft of the script I'm working on. And right now, rather than doing the hard work of writing it, I'm writing an introduction! :) Such is writing. Back to work I go! You can find out more about me at Yes, I know it needs work and updating. :) Nice to meet you all!

Jeremy Kriss

Hello from Chico, CA. I grew up in Seattle and Olympia...but got out as soon as I could. Most of my friends are still up there, though, so I always support those who stick it out in the Northern climes.

Pam Stucky

Hi, Jeremy! Yes, we have our share of gray days, but the sunny days are sublime! Nice to meet you! Enjoy your weather down there!

Virginia Brucker

Seattle's not far from Vancouver Island. If you're up our way, let's have coffee!

Mike Tyrrell

I would say that between studying (character, structure, formatting, etc.) and doing (getting short scripts made into films) that's the best way to learn. There is nothing like seeing your words rendered on the screen. Then you can see what works and what doesn't. My first feature was shot last year, and we're still editing it, but I am amazed at what worked and what didn't. You can check out a short trailer here:

Pam Stucky

I'm not sure where to ask this so I'll try here first. I see that people can post loglines and screenplays on their own profiles. Is there a central place where I can search through loglines and screenplays that have been uploaded? I'm rather voraciously reading everything I can get my hands on right now, learning the craft, and if screenplays are all compiled somewhere, I'd love to know! Thanks!

Crystal L. Smithwick

I second Mike's advice about writing shorts and getting them made. Seattle has a great new group on Facebook, "Weekend Warriors Film Group" that has been making several shorts a month. It really throws a lot of things into the light when you see your script come to life (or not!).

Pam Stucky

Crystal - I just tried finding the Weekend Warriors Film Group on FB and couldn't - do you have a link? Thanks!

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