Introduce Yourself : Writer transplanted from NC to Boston -Check that - Jacksonville, FL by Michael Fox

Michael Fox

Writer transplanted from NC to Boston -Check that - Jacksonville, FL

Hi, though I've been with Stage32 for some time, I haven't really introduced myself. I'm a writer of novels, screenplays and teleplays. I have 3 books in print (self published) and one full screenplay that I am shopping. I recently posted a new pilot script based on the novels I've written. I hope you enjoy it. I recently moved from Raleigh, NC to Boston, and am looking for people here to network with. Look forward to hearing from you! Edit. Just as I was getting comfortable in Boston, I get whammed with another transfer to Jacksonville FL. Why can't my employer have an office in California?!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Michael, good to meet you! Have you been pitching your script on Happy Writers page yet? :) There's a lotta people from Boston out here - I guess the best way to find them is through the connect page:

Michael Fox

I entered one script into a contest there, but did not make the initial cut. It's hard on a writer knoeing that the people who make the choices chose 100 other scripts over yours. But I have thick skin.

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Sorry to hear that Michael. I say just keep on writing and keep on going. One person's opinion doesn't define you and a submission is a good start. I know that Joey takes great care of his writers and always offers valuable advice. One think I always hear is to have more than one horse in a race, so I just keep on writing myself.

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