Introduce Yourself : Hello All by Korey A Jacobs

Korey A Jacobs

Hello All

Hello all, I'm just a kid from South Jersey right outside of the city of brotherly love. I am relatively new to this site and the film industry in general. I recently completed my Screenwriting certificate at UCLA this past September and love to write. I love to tell stories because I think it's one of the purest forms of educating and influencing a person's life. I was applying to graduate school for Production but have recently decided to go the more independent route and save some big bucks. I plan on entering a few screenwriting contests at the end of this month and hopefully by the end of this year really start making some waves in this new endeavor. I do have big plans to be a studio producer one day and even a director, but until then I will be pleased just to write.

Korey A Jacobs

Thank you Larry.

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome aboard, Korey. Congrats on earning that certificate. Very impressive!

Ron Lester

Nice Korey, it's nice to see you've set a goal for yourself. I'm telling you, that's so important and often overlooked. I like to think of goals like acts in life. A stage to grow and blossom.

Dawson Howard

Congrats on your course and welcome aboard.

Korey A Jacobs

Thank you all and hello to you all as well.

Allen Clark

Hello Korey and welcome to the network i am in Philly also.

Dawson Howard

Welcome aboard Korey

Bill Taub

Well done, Korey! I teach at UCLA Extension Writers' Program. In spite of me -- it's a great program! If you love to write -- write! These are not businesses of geniuses. You don't need anybody to get it to an audience. Whether it be through self-publishing, new media, do the work and network -- you'll find an advocate...

Dawson Howard

Well said Bill

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