Introduce Yourself : hello from Los Angeles by Mieko Hillman

hello from Los Angeles

Hello! :) My name is Mieko Hillman and I am an actor/dancer/singer and I love to perform! My favorite medium is film and I would love to do a musical that has a Chicago vibe. I love suspense and dark comedies. And I love indie films. I would love to have a success story of connecting here on Stage 32 and making some films happen!

Jesse Heiman

Hello Mieko thanks for sharing your information with us. My name Is Jesse Heiman I'm also an actor and a writer my friends and I are starting a YouTube channel where we introduce our fellow acting and modeling friends to the world in a new way by showcasing something they are great at that maybe even some of their friends don't know about if you would have any interest in appearing on it let me know please

Richard "RB" Botto

Love your energy, Mieko! Shines through!

Mario Rossi

Hi Mieko, hope you'll find what you're searching for here.

Wanda Weaver (formerly Kight)

Hi Mieko! Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I have decided to do another scene of my latest screenplay involving two men. I so appreciate your responding to my request and best to you. I will be in touch.

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