Introduce Yourself : Recent Screenwriting graduate by Elie Choufany

Elie Choufany

Recent Screenwriting graduate

Hey everyone :) I've recently graduate my MA in Screenwriting at the London Film School, and I'm excited to dive into the world of storytelling. I hope I'll get the chance to meet interesting people here and maybe collaborate on refreshing and engaging projects. I've recently been finding out that I'm leaning towards animation more and more, so it would be cool to meet some animators that are looking to collaborate on fun and entertaining projects. Cheers everyone!

Dara Taylor

Congrats on your recent graduation! Happy to have you here and best of luck!

Richard "RB" Botto

Congratulations on earning your MA, Elie!

Elie Choufany

Thanks you guys :D

Nnabike Okaro

Congrats. Screenwriting is fun.

Austin Lance

Nice! Cheers!

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