Worked on an Indy Movie last year that was Premiered in a Downtown Cinema, yesterday. Incredible experience seeing myself on screen for the first time, and seeing my name on a credit role. I wasn't too hard on my acting, either - everything that I was trying to achieve, and ideas I had for the scene all worked. I had forgotten about them for over 8 months, and yet- here they were! What are your thoughts about seeing yourself work?
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Congrats on your role! When an actor watches themselves it is hard to be objective. It's good to get constructive feedback on your performance from a non-biased mentor or teacher. It is the only way to grow as an artist. I'm having a webinar on May 5th for actors with stage 32. I hope you can join me.
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I can't watch myself. Forget my performance- all I think about is how fat I look.
I remember that moment! Very surreal! I'd love to see it! Personally I think it's good to view your work after the film has ended. When you've nailed a performance, be proud of your work! If we are lucky we will continually be growing in our craft, I like looking back into the past and seeing improvements that have been made.