Introduce Yourself : Production Manager/ MSquared Media & Behind The Velvet Rope TV by Harry Garrison

Harry Garrison

Production Manager/ MSquared Media & Behind The Velvet Rope TV

I'm new to Stage 32. I had a long career as a distribution exec for three major movie studios and have segued into film and video production as well as social media management. Hoping to make new contacts and get insights that will help me continue to grow in my new endeavors. If anyone is interested in seeing some of the content we're producing, please feel free to visit Thanks! Best to all

DJ Far

Harry, sounds awesome, I'll check it out. You have a lot of experience that other members would love to learn about I'm sure.

Harry Garrison

Happy to connect and looking forward to exchanging thoughts and ideas...

Harry Garrison

Awesome! That's what appealed to me about the environment. A day without at least one good learning experience is a day wasted...

Tresa Bennett

Hi Harry. I'd love to learn more about distribution from you. If there is something i can be helpful with for you I am more than happy to extend a helping hand. I just sent you an add request. : )

Harry Garrison

Hi Tresa. Got it and happy to connect. Thanks for offering your expertise. Happy to answer any questions I can answer about distribution. It is a landscape that is constantly evolving and with so many different platforms desperate for good content it's a great time to be a content provider...

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