Hi. Please take a look at this awesome trailer for SPARCITY that I have been working on over the past few months. This is a brief look into a dystopian sci-fi thriller we hope to create in the near future. Please help us make that a reality by watching the Sparcity trailer: https://vimeo.com/120222687 , following Sparcity on Instagram, Sparcity on Twitter and liking the Sparcity Facebook page. We'd love it if you would share the trailer with your friends, because the more momentum we get, the more likely we are to give you a sweet first season!
Great trailer. When is the release? I wish I could be part in a project like that. Good luck.
1 person likes this
pretty cool!!!
Love it! I have a new project going on that could help you get a public opinion you might be interested in can you email me at ljdntalent@gmail.com Thanks
This looks fantasticKristian!
Very impressive! Well done.
1 person likes this
Look really good
Whoa, this is great! I'm liking the concept and the production quality too. I don't have Twitter, but I did find the Facebook page. This trailer should be on YouTube also, if it isn't already. Well done!
I would like to share your trailer on my show can you email me at ljdntalent@gmail.com
Looks amazing! Great Job
Wow! Amazing work you and your cast and crew have done!
Very nice trailer. Elysium meets The Book of Eli is what came to mind without anything else. Good luck.
1 person likes this
Nice trailer!
Amazing work! Well done!
I like it.
Great trailer, also very interesting concept.
Very cool
1 person likes this
This looks great. Would love to do an interview with you about the challenges in making it.