Acting : Entertainment industry question 20: what if I have to leave a message? by Jessica Sitomer

Jessica Sitomer

Entertainment industry question 20: what if I have to leave a message?

This was based on yesterday's question "When's the best time to call someone?" Here's my advice on leaving a message:

Sylvie Boisel

Thanks. This remind me : (I know its not the subject really) Educate a man, and you educate an individual. Educate a woman, and you educate an entire nation. Dr. James Emmanuel Kwegyir-Aggrey (1875-1927)

Mario Alvwrson

Thanks you guys for all the information you have been giving me.

Jessica Sitomer

Well Sylvie, I know plenty of men who are inspiring the masses, and as you say that's not really the subject. Thanks for commenting and reading.

Jessica Sitomer

Mario, it's a pleasure, and if you ever have a question, let me know and I'll answer it.

Sylvie Boisel

Yes Jessica...Of course! :) Mandela, Luther King, etc. Great article you wrote. All the best...

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