Screenwriting : New Script-Samples by Josh Barkey

Josh Barkey

New Script-Samples

I just posted two new script-samples to my script-sample website, including one for GINSENG (a finalist at the NaFF screemwriting competition this year), and one for ONLY THE GOOD. Checkemoutat:

The ScripTease
The ScripTease
The first three(ish) pages of some of Josh Barkey's finished(ish) scripts -- both produced and not.
Philip Sedgwick

Nicely done on your finalist placement!

Josh Barkey

Thanks :)

Zach Rosenau

Ginseng is a great movie title!

Phil Parker

Nice job on making the finals at Nashville! I'll be sure to check out your samples.

Phil Parker

Hey Josh, love your website and I'm totally impressed by your output and results. Well done on getting some shorts made and the contest results. Seems like you are doing the right things. Keep it up, but spare a thought for helpless parrots ;-)

Josh Barkey

Thanks, Phillip. I think we should all be more kind to helpless parrots, but Jerry, well... he's a bit of a loose cannon.

Josh Barkey

Ah-ha! Tantalus is reborn! Success! :-)

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