Introduce Yourself : To introduce myself: by Cortlin Barrow

Cortlin Barrow

To introduce myself:

Hi my name is Cortlin. I'm a fun,funny an,amazing person to be around. I'm very passionate about film-making. I'm a easy person to work with, I am also very open minded with new changes, and different ideas toward the project. Someday I want to create a feature film that will be remember as an amazing memorable film where you can look back 10 years later and say, " I love that movie, I watched it 5 times in high school and college! ".

Alla Andersen

I would like to take part in your new ideas

Cortlin Barrow

Thank you everyone for the welcomes.

Shawn Speake

What's good, Cortlin! Always a pleasure to welcome another amazing personality to S32!

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