Screenwriting : What has driven you to write what you're writing? by Jennifer Lynn

Jennifer Lynn

What has driven you to write what you're writing?

Why did you pick the Action film over the Horror film this month? Why write that Romance idea today, why not 5 months ago? Why skip an idea, and work on something else instead? My point? What innerly fuels what you're writing? My current dilemma: I can't choose which Screenplay idea to work on next. I have 3 competitions coming up, so I need to choose. I've pretty much been juggling 3 scripts until I make the decision. It sparked the question of wanting to know how everyone else chooses. My answer: just what feels right at the time. When I can't control it or hold it back, that's what I write when I write it. I always seem to add to other scripts while working on one. It feels good. I hate neglecting ideas just because I want to try to focus on one.

Mario Rossi

Write what is close to your feeling at the moment, but also remember your goals. You should write a great story and you should have fun doing it, at the same it. I often go for the latter, but sometimes I remind me I'm writing to work and I make an effort, because it could be crucial for my career. For the other ideas that come when you're focusing on another, try to write them down, briefly, but do. I try to get new ideas everyday, it's a continuous process.

David Levy

I go with the idea/concept that flows more than the rest. If the story is a struggle, then it nbeeds to be flushed out more. I had a TV showrunner tell me to focus on one idea/script at a time. Once you have it finished and it's in the review process, start the other one. Example: I am in the middle of writing a new TV Pilot now but I am still going back to my last one for polishing. I just don;t juggle writing two brand new projects at once. Not easy for me.

Elisabeth Meier

I make some notes first for each idea (I usually have 10 or more ideas running parallel). The one who decides on which I write next is my feelings or inner voice, because I simply continue with the one which feels less resistant. To me this is necessary, because without resistance I'm immediately in the vortex of the story and the flow of writing. Further, I find it helpful to write each idea as a short story of about 10 pages first, print it and wait until again I feel it is the right time to work it out to a screenplay.

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