Hey Guys, I am in the process of making a web series and am starting to do auditions. This is my first time auditioning people and I feel I am a little over my head. I have an auditioning space and day and time. I'm not really sure where to go from there. Should I have them do monologues? If the actor is represented am I required to contact their agent? Should I schedule them staggered or in blocks? I'm expecting to audition about 50 people. Any advice on holding auditions would be really super! Thanks!
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Hi Samantha, you could ask them to say a monologue so that you can judge their acting skills, I would also ask them to read something in the genre you will want to employ them to do, maybe a one or two page scenario, so have something ready - if all the actors read the same thing, you will then be able to get a good idea of the best actors for your series. If an actor has an agent, then yes, I would definitely contact the agent. It doesn't really matter whether you audition staggered or blocks, just depends how you want to run the day - you could have ten people in every two and a half hours, which gives 15 minutes for each audition.
Good advice Rosalind it sounds like a good place to start.