Acting : Stage 32 Project: Almost Complete! by Felicia Mariah D'Ascanio

Felicia Mariah D'Ascanio

Stage 32 Project: Almost Complete!

I'm super excited to share with you a project that was developed COMPLETELY from Stage 32 members who met up by using the Meet Up section of this site, and produced a small film from it! It's in the editor's hands now, but you can check out my post about the project with some behind the scene photos of film day! I'd love to get your feedback!

Elisabeth Meier

How wonderful. This is how I like networking. Thank you for sharing. I hoped to find your short behind your link and would love to see it, if possible. All the best!

Felicia Mariah D'Ascanio

Thanks Sean! Elisabeth, I love it too! Sorry that the video is not available yet... but I'll definitely let you know once it's finished :)

Elisabeth Meier

Great, thank you, Felicia!

Andrew Bee

That is absolutely wonderful!

Felicia Mariah D'Ascanio

Thanks so much Andrew!

Felicia Mariah D'Ascanio

Thanks John, I checked it out and I will let the producer know about this film festival.

Michael J Smyth

love the idea of a couple of Australians being in NY for a few weeks and wanting to shoot a short. Will be back in NYC in July so will def be looking to see if anyone's up to something then. Good luck with the final steps Felicia.

CJ Walley

Wonderful to see this Felicia! Well done to you and your new friends. Lovely blog post as well :)

Felicia Mariah D'Ascanio

Michael, isn't it awesome and so cute? They are really getting good use out of their time here which is awesome! Good luck with your trip to NYC! Try using the meetup section on this site to set something up! CJ, thank you!! I'm still looking to shoot your scene as well :) Just looking for another actor for the guy role!

Leona McDermott

Congrats. Look forward to seeing it when it's available.

Felicia Mariah D'Ascanio

Thanks Leona! I'll definitely let you know :)

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