Your Stage : Seeking Investors for Major Motion Picture by Chris Waymon

Chris Waymon

Seeking Investors for Major Motion Picture

Hello Stage 32 Network My name is Chris and I'm the Executive Producer for the controversial film Sleeping With The Cross. This story of love and life in the south tell the real story of how love will cause you to choose what’s best for you and cause you to follow your heart and walk in love. The Grand Dragon has a secret of his own. First, he was given the position of the Grand Dragon of the KKK only because the late Grand Dragon happened to be his father-in- law, not because he desired this position that would be considered an honor by most Klan members, like his once best friend Tim and member of the KKK. Ken the Grand Dragon of the KKK has carried around the secret of his great, great, great, Grandfather being a black slave and his mother was white. His mother was married to one of the wealthiest and well known men in the state of Mississippi who went by the name of Jed Thomas. Yes, Ken Jones having black blood running through his veins and would be considered as being black if it were known. Jed Thomas was the owner of more slaves on his eight hundred acres of land than any other plantation owner around. He was known to have fathered children by many of the black slaves on his plantation. Mrs. Thomas was a little fed up with his mid- night tipping. She decided to get even, so while her husband was away, she decides to call in one of the black male slaves and force him to have sex with her or she would say he had raped her. She gets pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl with very white skin and black curly hair ,which gives her the appearance of a mix race child. Mr. Thomas was angered and had the male slave that impregnated her hanged and his wife beaten to death by his own hands. He ordered one of his men to take the baby out into the woods and kill her, but he could not find it in his heart to do it, so he took the baby girl home and gave her to one of his slaves to raise and when she was older the adopted mother told her how her life was spared and why she did not look like the other kids. She would go on and pass as white and marry a white man and down the blood line would come Ken Jones. Ken would have a daughter that would have the skin color of a mix race child and only he knows why. Ken marries the daughter of the Grand Dragon who turns out to be an alcoholic and he himself is very wealthy, owning a large clothing factory. During this period of time a law is passed that employers must hire a percentage of minorities in their work place. Many white own businesses would come up with the plan of hiring only light skin blacks. One day a beautiful, educated, very dark skinned black women waltzes into Ken’s factory. Ken could not help but notice, Cynthia Smith, a thirty-something “Essence” cover girl type. All eyes were on her. Ken hires her on the spot and all trouble starts here and people were angry behind him breaking the rule they had set in place. His right hand man Tim, did not like the way Ken looked at Cynthia from the start. He himself was well known to be sleeping with one of the minorities and word is he takes care of her and has fallen for her. He also wants to be the Grand Dragon himself and would go on to try and kill his best friend Ken. He would also do things that Ken as the Grand Dragon has to give orders to carry out. He would order a hit on one of the workers and her husband who is the best friend of Cynthia and she would blame Ken, who knows nothing about the hit. Ken would later on, fall in love with Cynthia after being engaged in an affair. His wife would cause this to happen after night after night coming home to her drunkenness, belittling him and neglecting their kids. Who would later own get killed in a car wreck while driving drunk after the attempt to take Ken’s life. I have already secure the production staff, the we have the wish list for the cast (A-List and inspiring actors) We are planning to film in Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Bahamas. If your interested and would like To know more information Please email me at Thanks in advance

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hey Chris, this is Julie from the Stage 32 team. I just wanted to let you know I moved your post from Financing / Crowdfunding to Your Stage, as it fits much better there. Let me know if you have any questions, and all the best to you!

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