Hi ,I´m new here and just now I´m translating a book manus to english. It´s about my parents suffering in the concentration camps,the stories I heard as a small girl from my mother and how I tried to help her and comparing it to the Inanna myth. also about how I raised up married to an ortodox jewish family with secrets and consequences. Also a bot about autism. I ´m learning also more about screens and want to ask questions how to connect from a book to a movie and use storytelling to vivid scenes. This was very hard to write this down and took me year´s to do because of my emotional inviolvements. I will also go out with my birthname to protect me and my family from further reactions from my home town. I and my son suffered enough. Hope to hear from you soon. Kind regards Pia
Welcome on stage32!
Thank you Elisabeth Meier and Boomer Murrhee.
More about me is that I developed a method for helping kids with autism since I researched on my son with autism and other kids in special pedagogigs. I made also a computer program in ADL that I researched on .It´s about senses,moving and social skills to train up for parents. I had about 25 art shows.The last in Miami in fine art Nina Torres april 2014. My son is also painting and making cheramics. i tried also to lift the handica p politics for 10 years.I danced also for more then 45 year´s. Se my blogg in Google+, youtube, pinterest .
thank you Kathryn Rushent. thank you Kathryn Rushent
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Hello and welcome Pia. I'm new here too and just held a screening of my film, 'Burning Down.' Check out our trailer: It's about a father who learns his son is autistic, must face his own painful past in order to help his son. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLytlvGUARo
Thank you Christopher Stadulis. I will check this up. Is it a story close to you?this sounds like something between a father and son that could be so even for my son .
Thinking about having a cover of me three year´s old and the title Why me? something like this on my book,maybe later on a movie. My father was a photographer and this is a photo from him on me about three year´s old.
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Yes, it's a personal story for me
I released my e-book on Amazon.Why me? A stolen childhood. 5 stars and working on a paper book and looking for internationel sponsors. Native American English edited. I am interested in making a movie.Cover in work for the the printed book.Interested?Then contact me.
Here is the e-book. cover. My dad made this pic and he was a photgrapher.Pen name Perl Lebovits.