Composing : This isn't a job so I hope it's not in the wrong section ! by Adam McEvoy

Adam McEvoy

This isn't a job so I hope it's not in the wrong section !

70s and 80s sounding songs needed for new film. Please email me for more details.

Adam McEvoy

Why does my brow look so farrowed ! Jeez, need to get a new pic lol

Maria Howell

So let me are wanting music for your films?

Adam McEvoy

I supply music for film contacts via my company. Our commission is 30% of any royalties (sync and broadcast) through placements.

Adam McEvoy

I didn't want to mis-sell it as payment will only be earnt by accepted songs. Shall I re-post it ?

Adam McEvoy

Ok, thanks for the information! Much appreciated Brandi.

Bill Hartin

Adam - Since I found your post here, I will reply here. My song writing partner has several songs that fit your description, so what should we do next?

Adam McEvoy

Sorry Bill, I didn't receive any notification of your message. If you email me , I can send you the briefs - thanks!

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