Introduce Yourself : Actress in Los Angeles. Just doing her thing. by Katie Patterson

Katie Patterson

Actress in Los Angeles. Just doing her thing.

Greetings and salutations, everyone! My name is Katie Patterson. I've been in Los Angeles for the past 2.5 years. I'm a Pisces. I love thrillers and dark comedies. And a passion I have outside of acting is baking. If I could bake every single day, eat my creations, and not worry about getting fat, I would totally do it. Seriously, it's a problem. I look forward to meeting you guys and hopefully working with you in the near future.

Sarah Root

Hi Katie! I also enjoy thrillers.

Jon Reno

Hi Katie, I'm also new to the website and been in Los Angeles for roughly the same amount of time. I too would eat baked goods every day if it was healthy. Thankfully, I am not a very good baker.

Katie Patterson

Hi Sarah. What's your Favorite thriller?

Katie Patterson

Jon, you're lucky. I can bake, and I have to restrain myself every time I go food shopping.

Jon Reno

I just avoid that part of the store and pretend to know what I'm doing in the produce section.

Katie Patterson

That's a good idea. :)

Sarah Root

I can't really pick a favorite since there's so many, but I really like Disturbia.

Katie Patterson

That's a pretty good one.

Korak Day


Kevin Doy Burton

Hello Katie.

Jordan Anderson

Hi Katie! I love baking too and I have the same problem with wishing I could eat it all the time

Randall C Willis

Welcome to the group, Katie. I love writing dark comedy and eating baking, so I think we have a good match!

Leslie Marrick

Hi Katie! I used to live with a baker and ate all his creations for him. So, you know...I'm here for you.

Katie Patterson

I'm glad I'm not the only one with the love for baked goods. :D

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