Introduce Yourself : Share in my good fortune! by Pete Brown

Pete Brown

Share in my good fortune!

I've been very fortunate to have a string of moderately successful feature films and am in development and production on others. I'm still looking for good people who would like to ride the wave with me(to use a surfing analogy). People of great talent and good character that I can relate to are incalculably valuable, both as collaborators and friends!

Elisabeth Meier

Riding waves and ....SURFING...?! =) I'm in. ;) Nice to meet you Pete!

Christian-James Graglia

Hey Pete! Good work on your found success, I'm always in the hunt for like-minded people to collaborate with. Look forward to hearing from you!

Laura G. Chirinos

Would love to know more about the films you've put out and what you're currently working on! :-)

Pete Brown

Thanks for introducing yourself! I've been going all day for a production that's working toward a cure for one of the worst types of cancer. In retrospect this was probably not a great time to put a post trying to get to know people on here but I had put it off long enough. I look forward to chatting with you soon when I'm not going nonstop 15 hours a day.

Pete Brown

By the way, our film Deadly Sanctuary just came out yesterday at, Walmart etc. Hope you like it as I poured everything into it (as DP & Editor on it)!

Kevin Doy Burton

Welcome Pete. I'm also a screenplay writer and an author.My link :

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