I was wondering where do you find crew call listings for work, I saw a place called entertainmentcareers.net just wasn't sure if they are legit or not. I've done some P.A. work also a bit of directing on something I'm working on in the works, and really wanting to expand into something more
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They're legit but they are a pay site. I'll look the company up and send them a query or resume directly. Too broke to pay for their site. Unfortunately I lose the "confidential" potential employers.
thanks wasn't sure
You might try productionhub.com. Fewer listings but it might be more pinpointed for crew work.
I've seen it pop up a few times, I'll look at it Thanks
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mandy dot com Craigslist sometimes offers up some low pay work, networking, networking..
Received an invite from Entertainment Careers, really seems to be a pay to play scam. Didn't see any potential crew jobs listed in the NYC area anyway,
I'm on the Georgia Production Partnership one, hopefully something soon while I'm not acting
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You can also try staffmeup.com. It has a good variety of day labor in all aspects of production. I know a few people who have had luck with it.
Thanks Robert!
It's another BS pay site., with the usual free trial (forget to cancel) crap. Prove that you have jobs I won't see elsewhere then maybe....