Acting : My new reel is to long. What should I cut? by Chris Fosselman

My new reel is to long. What should I cut?

Just made my new reel and it's to long and I think I know what I want to cut. But would like to get some unbiased opinions before I do so. Thanks!!

Jonathan Roberts

Not sure, I was comparing notes with mine and a friends his is 4 minutes mine is 2:30 very nice reel

Sharon Sinclair

Hi Connor, Great reel. Once Ive established that you can play a certain role, Im ready to move onto the next clip. So, I would shorten the first clip, take out the 2nd & 3rd part of the the nerdy guy. Take out or shorten the 2 guys talking and cut straight into you - or take it out completely. The 3 guys talking on the steps - I would take out as we have already seen this character. I like the scene with you and the girl - that`s a different side to you - in fact I would move that to the 2nd clip as you act so beautifully in it. Well done

Chris Fosselman

Thank You!!! I think I will move that last scene to number 2. That is a good idea. I will take out the nerdy guy scenes as well. Yes, I do want to keep the 2 guys talking but I will start it with me. That is Terry Kiser (dead guy/Bernie) from Weekend at Bernies so I want to keep that in. Do I keep in where I attack the other kid? What about when I make the joke to the cop? Thanks for everything!!!

Sharon Sinclair

Hi, I would shorten the attack scene. You would need to edit your reel and see how long it is and what sort of selection you have before deciding whether to omit it or not. I would leave out the cop scene, too much is on him and - weve already seen you in this role. I didnt recognise the guy from Bernies and I loved that film. Good luck

Rafael Pinero

Connor, you're a good actor, I really liked your performance. The reel is long, you could trim it a little by no showing so much of the other characters, specially in the last clip. But I like you're reel, you're good, congrats.

Chris Fosselman

Thanks.. I just cut it to 3 minutes. any other suggestions?

Karen Loriana

Hi I saw the two videos. I think that in the last version the first scene should start with you and you also could take out the last scene.

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