Introduce Yourself : I would do everything for love! by Sanela Milosevic

Sanela Milosevic

I would do everything for love!

Dear colleagues, future friends.. I was born and raised in Serbia, a beautiful country in Eastern Europe. I graduated physical therapy from the Medical high school and at the same time finished my 4th year of acting in one very appreciated acting Studio. From that moment I was auditioning on many Universities for acting in region for the next 3 years. It was not easy to enter because out of 400 candidates they chose just 10 for the class. Finally, my sixth try was my luck! I got it and next 4 years I studied acting for movie and theater far away from home in the neighbor country. I graduated from the University of Art in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the beautiful city of Banja Luka. I graduated with a monologue made of the Jean Pole Sartre's existential drama "Behind the closed doors". From that moment my real fight began. Next 3 years I was auditioning, always getting so close and because I didn't have anyone that I know that can push for me I would always be told that someone else decides and I would stay with the great critics but without the role. Not always but the most of the time. Beside that I had a job in one very appreciated theater in my home town Belgrade. It's an vanguard theater and it gave me such a great experience. I got to play in Shakespeare's "Richard the 3rd" the Margarita's and Lady Ann's character. These were just 2 of many roles there. It was a great experience because the very well known director Ljubisa Ristic included also singing and dancing in some other projects so I got a chance to use my other skills here as well. At the same time I ran together with my friend a troupe for the plays for children. We traveled all around the country playing for kids. My mom was the only support I had. Dad was on the side supporting in a silence. I wrote texts, made costumes, manage places where we played. It was really self - employed organisation. Beside some other side jobs meaning working for other troupes I can say that I had enough time to think about is that what I really want?! Do I really want to work for surviving and to be told that I am great but not chosen in some big projects? Because that is how the things work unfortunately. 2 auditions per year and they are made just because of the following the procedure or getting money. We don't have agents in Serbia. For some auditions we even can't find out because they are "closed". Anyway after all this experience, great time, some amount of money that I earned, a few movie rolls, I decided to move on. To make my dream come true. And my dream is to play on the Broadway, to feel the city lights to meet a camera in Hollywood!!! As a Serbian citizen it's really hard to get a chance even to go as a tourist in the US especially if you are not a student anymore or if you don't have a full time job etc. So I was trying to find a way to get there. Finally I got a job on the cruise ship as a camp counselor in a kids camp. I spent there 2 years and then I finally got a job as an entertainer. The first 2 weeks I was as quite as possible because I was shy to speak in English even though my passive knowledge was on very good level at that point for someone who studied English in the school but didn't have chance to speak the language for more than 4 days in a roll. After these two weeks I decided to speak up or to go home. From that day there was no day that I haven't asked colleagues or guests when I didn't know something. And I really had a great support from everyone. Sometimes happens that someone gets offended with my English skills but at this moment I just remember what is my goal. And here I am! Almost 3 years working for the cruise company and finally found a strength to speak up here on this great site and to say that it's not easy to keep my head up towards my goal to keep my faith and hope still alive and to believe that I'll get my chance. Every day I look for the projects that need non English actors and at the same time I work on my English so that I am ready to grab my chance!!! Hope that one day I'll get to write a post or a blog how I succeeded and made my dream come true!!! Keep in touch :)

Howard Johnson

Patience and persistence! It's coming!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

So glad you're here Sanela - glad you're part of the community. I've heard Serbia is beautiful!

Nicole Eilers

Welcome, Sanela! I have family from Serbia. Lovely country and people.

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Sanela!

Sanela Milosevic

Thank you guys! :)

Maria Theresa Rodriguez

Continue to do what you love, believe and it WILL come to you.

Alexander Torres

Hi Sanela

Sanela Milosevic

Hi Alexander. How is networking? :)

Alexander Torres

Its going well Sanela.

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