Introduce Yourself : Greetings by Ian Fielding

Ian Fielding


Hello all. I am a film director based in London - currently working on my second feature film 'Dead Unicorns' Always on the lookout for interesting collaborators!

Shawn Speake

Welcome to our family, Ian! Great to have you!

Francesco Tresca


Shari D. Frost

Welcome, Ian!

Marlene Hamerling

Great to have you aboard, Ian!

Brian Walsh

Hi Ian. Welome to the site.

Sarim Momin

That's great Ian

Kris Kemp

Hi Ian. I visited your website. It looks professional and your upcoming film looks intriguing. I'm a writer (a few screenplays, a novel, some ebooks, a musical), and am producing a short film here in Brooklyn, New York. Then, I plan to produce a full-length feature. Any tips or suggestions you have for me? Let me know! Please email them to me at: thanks! Kris Kemp

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Ian. I'm really looking forward to seeing DeadUnicorns. Looks like a slick, and sophisticated psychological mind play. Please keep us posted on trailer release, and London screenings, will be reserving a seat. Welcome and good weekend!

Ian Fielding

Thank you Debbie! Will keep you posted on updates - would be great to see you at a screening!

Ian Fielding

Hi Kris - sent you a message.

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