So Im new the world of film making, I originally came from a office IT background but have had enough. I have been exploring the film making and editing process and have found it to be fascinating. I am desperate to learn more and will endever to do so but as always any and all feedback is appreciated. Considering a one month intensive program with Central Film School London. Anyway, its a pleasure to meet you all.
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Hiya Tony! I'm still relatively a newbie, but I can say for share that there are lots of opportunities to learn right here as well. There are tons of pros at Stage 32 and they're all so eager to answer questions - you'll love it! Best of luck! :)
Hey Samantha, always good to met a fellow newbie. Yea from what I have seen of the site there is literally information everywhere, I could spend hours trawling through the Lounge posts.
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Hello, Tony! Welcome!