Have a producer currently putting an investment package for feature version on my short Blade and Blood -- 100k budget...will be my first feature, very excited and blessed someone believes in my art.....after 6 shorts about time I move onto a feature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uHa11_t72o
not a done deal yet, but know this guy, if he says hes gonna make it happen, im sure it will but will take time, pretty sure he already has investors lined up, but he's putting together package and going all out, having a dark noir comic book character animations , website etc appreciated
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This is fantastic JD, congratulations! You might find some inspiration from this broadcast RB did with our member Jairo Alvarado. He's a lit manager at Circle of Confusion and just found a filmmaker from Amsterdam who's short SUNDAYS just got into a 7-figure deal bidding war which was won by Warner Bros. https://www.stage32.com/media/1128885276551161274
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very beautiful appreciated, inspiring video......i have 6 shorts shot and been lucky enough to win some wards at larger festivals, and the above producer I mentioned is putting together package, website right now, with the head designer a guy that has worked on DC ANimated Movies and MArvel and he's got some other biggert names atatched already according to him crew wise....... I have about 20 other shorts written as well as 4 feature scripts and 28 more features outlined, so one step at a time....and feel so humbled from all the beautiful spirits I have met along the journey and the way they have inspired me to never give in..and keep faith in myself
I think what helps me the most to be honest is people are just now seeing my writing thru a film medium after 25 years of honing that craft, so their first impressions of my films, shooting my first one maybe 2 years ago or so, is twenty pls years of honing my craft of word smithing.....so though I look back and think it has been such a long struggle, and long road, in reality all things were meant to happen as they did for when i get that shot, I will have years upon years of product already ready to go.......so thanks to Creation for that.....and blessings to all dreamers who never give up no matter how hard the climb.......blessings to you all, and you one day finding success...
Best of luck JD.Sounds very exciting.
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appreciate, though to be honest I deal with things as they actually happen so in meantime I'm revving up to shoot my 7th short and have two more on dockets after that....
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I started as a producer before I found my place in fx, I know the high your going to experience and its going to be incredible. Good luck to you my friend. Heres to telling an amazing story
very beautiful of you to say, though again, I will wait till it is done and as i said continue making my shorts/product....but I have faith one way or another I will get where I am going, and know as soon as i can do in a feature what I've been able to do in shorts yet with an actual budget as opposed to the almost non exitance of such in my shorts, it will be done and up fast is the only direction....blessings to all those that work and sweat and dream and believe
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Glad that things are looking up for you. Best of luck.
thank you, very nice of you