How Big Is A Screenwriter's Pay Check? What is the true value of your car or your house? The true answer is what the market will bear. There are several factors to consider. What is your status as a p…
I always wanted to hold a giant paycheck, like the one that tennis players hold when they win a tournament. The large number of zeros on it.... any number will do.
Big enough to where when the company making the film claims "No profit was actually made." comes up against accusations of creative accounting, they can cite as proof positive the exorbitant fee they had to pay me.
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I prefer huge paychecks, e.g. Publisher's Clearing House size, but mostly use standard bank checks because they're smaller and easier to transport.
Huuuuuuuge, haha. They should be MASSIVE!
I always wanted to hold a giant paycheck, like the one that tennis players hold when they win a tournament. The large number of zeros on it.... any number will do.
Big enough to where when the company making the film claims "No profit was actually made." comes up against accusations of creative accounting, they can cite as proof positive the exorbitant fee they had to pay me.