Introduce Yourself : "The Rose Donlin Story" by Phyllis A. Collmann

Phyllis A. Collmann

"The Rose Donlin Story"

Hi from our farm in Iowa, I am the author of a Pioneer Series trying to get my 9 books made into a movie.

Bill Taub

9 Books into nine different movies? Or into one movie? Sounds like you might be better off trying to make them a series.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Wow, that sounds like quite the endeavor. I wish you the best with your project. :)

Richard "RB" Botto

With 9 books, have you considered a mini-series, Phyllis? They're back in vogue.

Phyllis A. Collmann

Thank You all so much. I do have a Producer/Director working on a project {Frank Di Muccio? in Calif, but the bottom line is financing the project. He is working on the 1st book a lone and series to follow. "The Rose Donlin Story"

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