Introduce Yourself : Producer/Attorney in the Los Angeles area by Curt Steindler

Curt Steindler

Producer/Attorney in the Los Angeles area

Hi all, I've been on this web site for quite a while now and figured it long passed time I introduced myself. I am a producer and an attorney. So far I have a couple short films, one of which, Plant Life, has been in several festivals and won an award. I have several projects in development and I am currently looking for writers and editors to be part of my team.

Hans Nielsen

Welcome to Stage 32. You should find lots of interested film people here. Best of luck.

JD Glasscock

i am always willing to help others if you think I fit what you are looking for, goto my website

Richard "RB" Botto

Congrats on Plant Life, Curt! Best of luck moving forward.

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