Introduce Yourself : Looking for creative independent talents to collaborate with on an amazing project :) by Kirk Johnson

Kirk Johnson

Looking for creative independent talents to collaborate with on an amazing project :)

Hi everybody! My name is Kirk and I've been working for sometime pooling together talent from around the globe for an incredible independent project. This is global as we have people in over nine countries coming together on this and growing. With the confines of this project are areas of science fiction, fantasy, adventure, horror and comedy with room for everyone. I've made some incredible connections on this site and hope to make even more by having you join in on this adventure of a life time. Basically I'm the pied piper of the impassioned independent talents, bringing together a collaboration never seen before. You can get a taste of what we're doing here - - come visit us at to see where this could take you :)

Barbara Mixon

Hi Kirk, love the invite.

Kirk Johnson

Hi Kathryn! We do have writing opportunities you may be interested in -

Kirk Johnson

Thanks Barbara :)

Taiger Williams

I will also look take a look.

Bruce Davis

Hey Cap'm! Been looking at your site trying to see which voices I could do, many of which are already taken. What I'd like to do is send you to my sound cloud so you can hear my range of characters running around my head. Maybe you could write something for some of them. How's that sound? Thanks, Bruce Elliott Davis

Mike Leikauskas

I can't act and can't write, but it sounds like it might be fun, if you can find something for me in the project. Sounds like you could use some extra sound fx work. I could help with that, maybe?

Alessandro Marafioti

I will listen to it asap . i love sciFi . friend me and go on my profile I have 3 theme composition loaded. Ton more in my library and I can melody architect a theme if you need.

Kirk Johnson

Hi Kathryn, sounds great :)

Kirk Johnson

Hi Allessandro! Some cool stuff :) We have three different audio series we're producing. If you're interested in getting involved I can put you in touch with Pontus the head of our music department.

Kirk Johnson

Hi Mike! Do you have experience in audio engineering?

Kirk Johnson

Hi Taiger, we do have a comedy variety show we're producing, if you're good at writing material then check this out -

Mike Leikauskas

Kirk, Nothing formal. Have done some audio on a couple shorts, but I am always ready to take on a task I know near nothing about. It is kind of my process in learning.

Alessandro Marafioti

Thank you Kirk ! That sounds good. look forward to it. Alex

Kirk Johnson

His name is Pontus Ullerstam and he can be contacted through this address Just drop him a note letting him know I sent you with samples of your work and he'll get you up to speed. Thanks!

Kirk Johnson

Hi Mike,, you mention sound effects work. Do you have a sound effects library or do you create your own pieces?

Alessandro Marafioti

Got it Kirk , thank you .

Bruce Davis

Hey Kirk, should I contact Pontus as well?

Kirk Johnson

I do the casting, so if you could send the link to your soundcloud to I'll take a listen.

Mike Leikauskas

Kirk, I have some stuff, plus I do some of my own, as well as troll the web.

Bruce Davis

Sure thing Kirk!

Kirk Johnson

Hi Mike, if you would like to contact Andrew, the head of our audio department, he's the one that makes the decisions there. You can contact him at If that doesn't work out let me know and we'll see if we can find somewhere else that you could plug into. Thanks

Eric Gilmartin

Kirk, I've looked at your main web site, and checked out one of your audios on YouTube. I'm writing my own Science Fiction audio serial, so I was curious about what you're doing. Best wishes on your projects.

Kirk Johnson

Thanks Eric, hope to see a submission. Our second episode of Doorways and Dimensions is out along with the pilot of our comedy variety show.

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