Hi there. It's Father's Day over here in the UK so I'll be celebrating that later with my father, but right now I'm celebrating TouchStone for play - the first book of mine in The Story of Us trilogy - getting into Amazon bestsellers ranking for literary romance (US #80 and UK #73) also the other books aren't far behind. Just need to find myself a Literary Agent now! Hope everyone else is having a great weekend too. Would love to know who's also celebrating something ...
Hi Kathryn. What are you up to? Making the most of the weekend, I hope.
Same here, Kathryn. Never a dull moment ;) Released first book in a new series - Blue Genes - a couple of weeks ago, so working on second book for November release. Thankfully, I have the summer break to get it done.
It is, but sometimes don't you find there just aren't enough hours in the day?
I'm a teacher by day and a writer by night ... the vampire blood helps! LOL
Ha! It can tend to leave you feeling a little drained though. ;)