Hi everyone! I just discovered this site and its resources last week and attended my first webinar :) I've been a high school English teacher for many years and also moonlight as a romance novelist. I recently hit the USA Today best-selling list and have a lot of projects lined up (well, in my own dream world) for the next 2+ years. This looks like a great community and I'm excited about expanding my knowledge and network. Happy Sunday!
Wow Allie - Good on you for jumping right in! That's honestly the best way to do it! You're already a head of the game but taking the webinars. You'll be amazed the information you'll learn and how it will positively affect your career. I also recommend checking out the Happy Writers when you're ready to pitch your work (you could totally option your book!). If you ever have questions about the site, feel free to message me :)
Congratulations, Allie! Welcome to Stage 32.