Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Christopher Stratton

Christopher Stratton


I am an experienced Wyoming based theater and live events stage manager, with additional experience as a board operator, stagehand, assistant director, director, and various other offstage positions. I own and operate Laramie Community Theatre

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

It's great to have you here Christopher! What's your favorite part of Stage Managing?

L. Renee Boyd

Welcome to Stage32. It looks as if you're a very ambitious and hard working guy. Your intro reads a great deal like what my experience is like (which I'm not sure I posted yet). I've been a member for awhile but haven't really been connecting or contributing as much as I would like to. I am starting to change that. There are a ton of great people here, don't wait like I've done to connect. 8^) Best of luck on all your projects.

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