Acting : Help!! by Antonio T. Lee

Antonio T. Lee


Can anyone please assist me? So I currently reside in Baltimore,md. But after graduating from college next year I had plans to relocate for my career. Now, I love film/tv but I'm not sure if I want to move to LA. I've been to NYC and loved it up there. But I still want to audition for roles in LA. Even though, I may not reside in LA would I still be able to audition for roles there for film/Tv?

Antonio T. Lee

Hey, thanks Bobby Joyner for your advice. I greatly appreciate it.

Jane Drake Brody

Have you investigated the Baltimore scene? There is a fair amount going on there and it may be an easier start for you.

Antonio T. Lee

Yes, I so far while here I booked 3 union productions. But theirs not enough good union jobs here to make a living.

Antonio T. Lee

Baltimore incentives is the cause for major productions not to come here as much. The actors who get cast locally here are mainly extras as the production already been cast. Theirs mostly non union work here in Baltimore. I wish Baltimore hadn't had that issue with tax breaks.

Dan Ludwig

I am in dallas. In the summer months there are a lot of things happening here. I am happy to be here

Jane Drake Brody

My suggestion about that Baltimore area was that it has lots training and theatre work.However, if you're already SAG, then moving is an option. If you love NYC, do it, there is enough going on for anyone. However the ability to both live and work financially in both LA and NYC is difficult. I agree that Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta are all viable options.

Antonio T. Lee

Thank you so much! I would definitely send my Headshot and resume out to those areas. I'm about to begin my search with CD's in then areas. Any recommendations? Or to any talent agencies in the Chicago area. My reel :

Jane Drake Brody

T Y, You really need to be in a city before anyone will be willing to mess with you. In order to find agents, simply google, Chicago theatrical agents or go to the SAG webpage for a list. Same with CDs. Sending a P&R won't get you far.My book which gives all this info, The Actor's Business Plan will be released in October through Bloomsbury Press. It will be on Amazon. I looked at your reel and you have talent and charm. I still suggest that you get some training under your belt in order to be taken seriously. Without it, you may be cast in small roles, but will be stuck there. There is great training in NYC and in Chicago.

Antonio T. Lee

Thank you so much! I have training from NYC actors connection studio. My reel isn't yet updated. My most recent productions are still in post production. And I'll be looking for your book. I surely wouldn't mind supporting you! Thank you for your feedback

Chris Connell

LA. My 2 cents. If you decide to come to LA I've got a whole video series on getting started here. Otherwise, hope your doing well in your decision/process and career. :)

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