I am so excited guys!!! I am working with Antonio from Plattform Et. on developing my TV show that is based on my memoirs! I pitched with Vice this weekend, who Antonio has worked with already! Antonio is fantastic and is grooming myself and my project! In just a week, I have learned so much more about this exciting yet fickle business! Joey and Brandon you are amazing! I love you guys! Always attentive, caring, and insightful!!!! You've kept me calm during my treatment rewrites and such! My fellow stage 32 writers: we need to promote stage 32 as much as we can via word of mouth and social media (although they really don't even need us to :) best of luck to us all!!! Never stop pursuing your goals! Stage 32 provides us with so much opportunity for just a small fee! Keep it up!!!!!
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YAY - HOOOOOOO! Have fun. And Congratulations!
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That's so exciting Craig. All my best.
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Awesome news! Congrats on the success!
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That's FANTASTIC, Craig!! Congratulations! Let us know how you get along. Exciting stuff!!
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Fantastic news, Craig! Congratulations! Good luck with the next stage!
Thanks so much guys!!! You're the best! The Stage 32 support is beyond amazing!! :) :) :) Joey and Brandon--couldn't do it without you! No matter what happens, I wouldn't have my extended connects or be at this stage without you guys!