Introduce Yourself : Hello New Friends by Wallace Carranza

Wallace Carranza

Hello New Friends

Hey Guys, So happy to find this site... I'm from Houston Texas and LOVE acting. Expression thru film is my best treatment for life's hard times. I write and produce my own content on various websites and collaborate with a huge network of like minded individuals who share the same passion. I wrapped my first big production in 2014, B.O.O.S.T. The Movie. I will continue to share my awkward sense of humor and perception of life. I'm very passionate about my work.. I absolutely love to inspire others in doing the same. I JUST LOVE WHAT I DO! I have a comedy/variety channel on youtube and facebook/Drunk Cooking. Links on my profile. -Thanks, Wally

Michael Engesser

Hi Wally! Great to have you here!

Wallace Carranza

@michael thank you my friend

Paul Henry

Good to see you. This is good site.

Wallace Carranza

Thanks a bunch guys... look forward to the opportunities!

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