Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Portugal by António Barbot

António Barbot

Greetings from Portugal

Olá a todos (Hi everyone). My name is António and i'm a professional Video Editor since 2006. I love what i do, providing any given footage a coherent narrative, adapted to the idea and original concept. I always used color-correction throughout my life as an Editor, but took it a step further recently, using DaVinci Resolve, which allows me to really give any film unique look. Looking forward to meet all kinds of people here, exchanging ideas, films, points of view, and sharing as much as possible. Have a good day everyone :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

It's nice to "meet" you, Antonio! Wonderful to have you here! Be sure to check out various craft sections in the Lounge -- Cinematography, Filmmaking, Post-production -- just to name a few that may be of interest to you. :) Welcome to Stage 32!

António Barbot

Hello Beth, Thank you for the warm welcome :) I'll be sure to browse around the Lounge, for sure :)

António Barbot

Thanks Kathryn, will do :)

Tina Goldsack

Wow fun to edit. I love editing and photography, but will take a course on a cinematic camera. My husband is just finishing his film editing courses! But I also am an actress. So fun working in film. Enjoy your work and have a great summer!

António Barbot

Hey Tina :) Yeah, i love editing as well. It usually is a lot of fun, but it's hard work. I do love making edits, then working out the details and giving it a good and coherent look. Edit, Sound and Grading all in one nice looking package :D Who knows if one day i'll get to edit your work as an actress :) Be cool and enjoy the sun :)

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