Screenwriting : Updates on characters at end of script? by Jackie Gibbons

Jackie Gibbons

Updates on characters at end of script?

At the end of one of my feature screenplays, I want to put updates on what the characters are doing one year later. Stumped as to how I denote these updates. (Kind of like the employee updates at the end of "Undercover Boss") Thanks in advance for the help!

Lynn Wilkinson

What a good idea. I have seen this done as a side bar when they run the credits. I would add it into the script and let the director decide how to best use it. Good luck.

Erick Mertz

Wouldn't this be something that ends up in a shooting script, or even post production editing? I can't imagine writing this into a spec script.

Tony Cella

There's no harm in adding a few short scenes afterwards like this: LOCATION A few years later, so and so was the president of the United States. The character shuffles papers around his desk. He is currently being impeached. If the directors like it, they'll include it. If not, they won't.

Jenny Masterton

Just write the section with its own slugline, action, dialog etc.

Jackie Gibbons

Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate it.

Chidi Ezeibieli

You could just write them like other scenes and let the director decide. But if you really want - To draw attention to the specificity of the scenes I'll make them short and see they follow a particular pattern. For example... INT. SCHOOL - SUNRISE - MAY 6TH, 2006 .................... EXT. BEACH - DAY - JUNE 12TH, 2008 ................... INT. GARDEN - SUNSET - AUGUST 9TH, 2012 ................... It could be better putting the dates as SUPERS, though. Or I'll use names with a Montage: MONTAGE JOHN - DATE - Where he is and what he's doing. PAUL - DATE - Where he is and what's happening. SAM - DATE - Where she is and what she's about. The choice is yours. Cheers!

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