Filmmaking / Directing : Looking for filmmaker by Leara Nicole Morris-Clark

Leara Nicole Morris-Clark

Looking for filmmaker

Are there any filmmakers here that would be interested in creating a documentary focusing on glbtq student/alumni experiences in a southern Church of God private liberal arts university? I have access to a group of those folks who have fascinating/difficult stories to tell about growing up in the south, attending this university (where one could be expelled for being glbtq), and where they are now in their struggles to accept themselves, work out their faith and live a genuine life. Many students have gone on to seminary. Many are in same-sex marriages, now recognized across the country and some still live in oppressive locations. This is not unique to this particular college but this is a good place to start telling the story. Please contact me if you have an interest in this story. Only serious inquiries from those interested in shining a light on oppressive religious southern colleges and how things are changing. Thank you!

JD Hartman

Maybe make a post under the jobs tab.

Leara Nicole Morris-Clark

Oh ok. I guess I can do that. It isn't really a job offer. I just want to connect someone with the group of people who can provide the information. Thought it would be a good story.

JD Hartman

Well....if you have a story to be told and you want others to see and hear it, eventually you'll need the technical people to turn that story into a moving image. This is the right place to start that journey.

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