Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Haylei Barber

Haylei Barber


I'm Haylei Barber and I'm a beginning screenwriter out of Louisiana. I don't have anything published but I've got several scenes and outlines (which I may drop doing alltogether). I've been praised for my writing throughout high school and want to do something with it.

Michelle J Kenoyer

Hey Haylei! :) That is so cool you're starting out as a screenwriter so young and early. Stage 32 is a great way to network and meet like-minded individuals like us who are trying to break into the biz. Nice to meet you!

G.R. Barnett

Nice to meet you! :) It's always encouraging to meet young writers. ^_^ Keep up the good work.

Joan M. Gringer

Take workshops whenever you can. Some with be Great and some not. You can decide.

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