I'm usually wearing yoga pants (or flannels in the winter), yoga sandals or Uggs, and some sort of sci-fi/superhero t-shirt with a hoodie or big sweater in the winter. Always a mug of tea/coffee/water within grabbing distance. I have a stuffed Shakespeare, a zombie, and Batman on my desk. =D I start by sitting upright in front of my computer but will eventually find myself balancing on my toes on the chair, hunched over the keyboard while I type and looking remarkably like Schmeigel from LoTR. OR I will stretch out flat on my office floor to work through a story knot. There's usually a cat somewhere in the room as well. Anyone else? =D
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Backwards baseball cap (Toronto Bluejays) bare feet (dirty) basketball shorts and a black t-shirt. Today its Japandroids. Tomorrow it could be another band.
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90° F during the last days, today is first day cooler after a thunderstorm. Meaning: Bikini-top, hot pants and bare feet. You really should try to write in other clothes because in a dark shift dress and high heels (or suit, tie and elegant shoes) the writing feels completely different. Brings me to the idea of costuming for writing. Maybe I write better or faster when I dress up like Miss Marple or Alfred Hitchcock?
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Good argument, Sylvester. ;)
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Scruffy, complete with 6:47 shadow. Film festival t-shirt and jeans. One hand on coffee, one hand over the "that was brilliant writing!" icon. As often as possible a black cat in my lap.
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Oh I forgot my cat. Mine is never sitting in my lap, but on my desk with one of his paws on my MacBook or he brings his neighbor buddy to chase the poor neighbor cat through all rooms until it leaves us again. @Fiona -you describe my 'winter clothes' for writing. :) Guess I will wear them again now because suddenly the temperatures fell from 40°C down to under 20°C - I hate these extreme differences. @Philip This icon is cool.
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@ Elisabeth... cats are so much the muse! Love their input, head butts, silent meow, fur balls. When you read dialogue outloud, they imagine you are talking to them.
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@ Philip - true, they are incredible. I even have to apologize to my cat that I forgot to mention him, because he really is a King of Cats.
I love that so many have cats hanging around while writing! As Hemingway said, one cat just leads to another. =) Clothing related, I'm sad to say my rooster PJ bottoms have been turned into rags, they were the best writing pants EVER. RIP.
Tracksuit pants, uggies a must, comfort before all else! Dragon on my desk usually surrounded by a mound of paperwork and two dogs on the floor behind me.
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I wear a Charles Bukowski tee shirt, pulled out of the laundry basket, khaki shorts, canvass shoes and a chip on my shoulder.
what I'm wearing for the day though usually tracksuit pants. i try to be comfortable. water/coffee/whiskey on desk. piles of papers and rubbish about. cat on the couch behind me. nothing special. i don't have any writing quirks.
My best ideas come to me when I'm about to fall asleep so I am usually in bed with my laptop on my pillow next to me. I can't tell you how many times I've actually fallen asleep while typing.
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Naked. :-) Not a pretty sight, I'm sure. LOL.
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@Stuart that pinterest page is BRILLIANT lol
Sweat pants, Tee shirt & athletic sucks. My old dog Fiona is in the studio with me to discuss various writing topics. I generally have up to four computers going at any one time. I have a BIG screen high speed honker for editing, a mid-sized “juke box” version for listening, a mid-sized HD for reviewing films and this laptop for email & stuff – It’s the only one I’ll let near the internet. The room is lit up by computer screens. I jump around from one task to another but I can’t write without Fiona and music.