Producing : Suggestions for TV pilot scene? What to do after production or during? by Edward Reid

Edward Reid

Suggestions for TV pilot scene? What to do after production or during?

Hi everyone, as background trying to get to a better position, I wrote a script. "The Grand Prince of Moscow". It's a dark comedy TV series. I was able to get a teaser out and it became rather popular in Atlanta. A director found it and collaborated with me. We filmed the first scene. It is on my youtube channel. That got us funding to film the rest of the pilot. So I am in the position of actor, writer, and producer now. We are SAG - legitimate. The director is seasoned and we have had an experienced crew with quality equipment. The story is not prime-time family material. It is PG-13 though - it is off-beat and unconventional. Anyway, I am wondering what should be my next step? Should I try and find and agent? Some guy on another forum told me an agent would not touch this - so don't try... Should I go to production companies (there is only enough funding for the pilot)? What do you all think my next move should be? I have the treatment, media packet, episode one overview. Full pilot will be out in August. From the start I also made it clear that I was interested in selling the story/concept if that was a possibility? So that would mean they would take it and do what they wanted. Anyway, here is my site and youtube. I would be very grateful for any suggestions? Also, do you think it is worth doing any of the "Pitch sessions" here?

Maura Anderson

I would recommend going out to production companies, can look at those focused in both more traditional TV packaging but may be best to check out those focusing on digital content. Ultimately you're going to need to bring someone on as a producer that can bring money and/or the relationships to a production company or platform that can fund your project. It's not an easy road, prepare yourself for a lot of nos, but if the goods are there the right person will come on eventually! Also be flexible with the outlet, if you're set it has to be a TV show you're limiting your chances of getting it made, can it be a webseries? Could it be branded content? Think about all the possibilities. Good luck!

Edward Reid

This is some great advice! I've already hit a lot of nos. I figured that was coming. It is a new media SAG production, so I believe we are actually required to put the show up on the web as a series. We for sure put everything we have into the pilot, so this really has to be the selling point. I did have a response from a agent who thought it would be better as a film and wanted to see a film script. That it would be marketable that way. I guess he could be right in the distribution aspect and selling it. I'm not sure about branded content. I'm new at this, so I would have to research that. I am not sure either if I should wait until the pilot is finished before I really start promoting and submitting? Or if it would be better to be proactive and get a jump and contact production companies and agents now?

Maura Anderson

Careful doing too much work for people if they aren't signing anything, I've watched people develop scripts into 5 different things to appeal to this agent or that production company and it often ends up being a lot of work for nothing. If you have a pilot, I would definitely wait until you finish it, if it is strong it will definitely help garner interest from companies. The same can work in reverse though, if it's not your best work I wouldn't show it because it can quickly turn people off and sometimes better in that case to let script speak for itself.

Edward Reid

Wow. Okay, I guess I could write the agent and get some sort of assurance about that if I sent him a treatment? If I write the treatment and he is satisfied with the treatment. Writing a whole screenplay to try and get an agent is really a huge undertaking! I've thought out a film, but doing it for a "possible" agent...

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