I haven't been on S32 a lot since I've been writing, and re-writing a lot (with my co-writer Jean-Marie)! However, all is not in vain. We won 2nd Place at LAIFF for "Chubby Wubby is in Charge" (short) as well as Official Selection at the Sanford IFF. Our feature "Akatewa" was a Finalist at Write Movies contest # 38, 2015- “Akatewa” - Finalist and got the Award of Merit at the Women's Independent Film Festival. Another sci-fi/action/thriller feature we wrote has already been Officially pre-selected at another contest. This is to name a few. I hope this will inspire others to continue writing and to know that having a co-writer who might live in another country and speaks another language isn't a barrier!
Thanks Brandi. I found my co-writer here...so that was great. I don't think I would be have learned so much. :-)
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Congrats, Edith. Nice to meet another Londoner.
That's what's up, Edith!
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@Leona - Cheers! Did you hear the planes fly over yesterday?:-) @Shawn - YES! And I have at least 2 other high concept script ideas in the works! Like McDonalds...I'm loving it haha
Planes?? There's always planes flying over my neck of the woods. Was something going on?
hehe. It was the planes flying over Buckingham Palace for the salute of 75th Ann of Battle of Britain! :-) I read that Prince Phillip afterwards told the photographers to "hurry up and take the f----g picture). Classic P.P.
Oh, okay. Looks like I didn't miss anything! :) Good old Prince Phillip. Love how he keeps it real.